.Job position The Department of Sociology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, UAB) invites applications for a predoctoral position in the ERC-funded research project LIFELONGMOVE "Understanding spatial mobility from early life into adulthood." This 5-year project is led by Professor Sergi Vidal and will kick off in early 2023.
The project will be carried out in the Centre for Demographic Studies (Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics, CED) located at the UAB campus.
The posts require collaborative research stays within Europe and travel for conferences, training and dissemination activities, e.G., in relation to the IUSSP panel on lifetime migration.
The LIFELONGMOVE project systematically examines spatial mobility over a lifetime, from early age into adulthood.
It provides new insight on the pathways, resources, and strategies that underlie lifetime mobility.
This insight will help formulate alternatives to the conventional explanations of spatial mobility patterns, behaviours, and stratified outcomes over the life course.
The project's three components and main objectives are: To document the diverse and complex pathways of lifetime mobility, from early childhood into adulthood.
To establish whether and how earlier or childhood moves influence spatial mobility over the life course.
To document the impact of lifetime mobility on life conditions, focusing on socio-economic, family, and health outcomes.
The successful applicant is expected to make a leading contribution to the LIFELONGMOVE project.
The predoctoral researcher will conduct empirical research using longitudinal population register and survey data (e.G., SHARE) to understand the role of spatial mobility since early life into adulthood for health trajectories and disparities in older ages, with the expectation of completing a PhD dissertation.
Among others, it is expected that the postdoctoral researchers fulfill the following tasks: Conduct high-quality research that aligns with the aims of the LIFELONGMOVE project, particularly with project components 2 and 3.
Disseminate research results in publications in top scientific journals and presentations in international conferences and workshops.
Collaborate with the PI, other team members, and partner researchers at European research centres, including research stays in national and overseas research centres.
Co-supervise junior team members.
Coordinate and assist in project-related activities, including planning for scientific meetings and methodological training workshops, liaising with project partners and the IUSSP panel on migration and mobility trajectories, managing the project's website and social media accounts, and developing content for vlogs.
Job position requirements (skills/languages/required experience): PhD in demography, sociology, economics, statistics, or other quantitative-oriented social science disciplines (completed or close to completion)