Function: The position involves using design tools (3D CAD modelling, thermal simulations, synchrotron radiation flux calculations) to design a set-up that will have to be produced and set into operation under vacuum, at low temperatures and under the irradiation of synchrotron light. Last year bachelor/master students will also be considered for the position.Institution: ALBA is the national synchrotron light source, a large research infrastructure based on an electron synchrotron, ten operating beamlines, three more under construction, and complementary facilities. The light produced by 3 GeV electrons is used by thousands of researchers to analyse and understand the properties of matter, covering a huge variety of fields, as health, energy production and storage, environmental problems, communication technologies, cultural heritage. Located in Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona, Spain), it is funded by the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) and the Catalan Government (Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament d'Empresa i Coneixement). ALBA is a perfect spot to promote your professional career: international atmosphere, highly motivated staff, multidisciplinary environment and located in a natural park, well connected by car and public transport.We are looking for a research scientist/engineer to be incorporated in a research project that has the goal to produce knowledge on the properties of High Temperature Superconductors under irradiation with synchrotron light with a view on its use in the Future Circular Collider (FCC-hh) which is currently under design at CERN. The project is in the framework of a long-standing collaboration with CERN, the UPC (Department de Teoria del Senyal) and the Institut de Ciència de Materials (ICMAB, located at UAB campus Bellaterra) and extends to develop, design and study the scalability and feasibility of such a proof-of-concept.Qualifications:Compulsory:Bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering (fluids, mechanics), Physics, or similarKnowledge of 3D CAD modellingKnowledge of ANSYS software for thermal simulationsEvaluable:Familiarity with synchrotron radiation and particle acceleratorsFamiliarity with UHV, cryogenicsProgramming skillsGood academic gradesResearch experienceGood interpersonal, communication and people working skillsGood command of the English languageOther information: Two years contract. Salary depending on qualifications and experience.