Public Affairs Officer

Public Affairs Officer

Octopus Energy

Detalles de la oferta

Public Affairs Officer Full-time /
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Additional information Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Survey for Octopus Energy Group Our commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion extends to our hiring process. Research shows that certain groups may hesitate to apply for a role unless they meet every job requirement. At Octopus, we want to encourage everyone who resonates with our job opportunities to apply, regardless of whether they meet every criterion or of their background. We believe in hiring genuinely decent people who bring diverse skills and perspectives to our teams, as these qualities are integral to our success. As an equal-opportunity employer, we uphold fairness, inclusivity, and equal opportunities for all, regardless of any protected attribute. Your unique talents and experiences are valued here, and we invite you to be a part of our inclusive and diverse workplace. This survey is completely optional and confidential. This will not be attached to your application and is only intended to help us make our workplace more inclusive.
What gender do you identify as?
I identify in another way
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What ethnicity do you identify as? Select all that apply
Asian British
Asian - Chinese
Asian - Indian
Asian - Other
Black - British
Black - African
Black - Caribbean
Black - Other
White - British
White - Irish
White - Other
Middle Eastern
North African
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
Other race, ethnicity, or origin
I'd prefer not to say
Do you identify as neurodiverse? Yes
I'd prefer not to say
By applying for this position, your data will be processed as per Octopus Energy Group  Privacy Policy .


Fuente: Allthetopbananas_Ppc


Public Affairs Officer

Octopus Energy

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Built at: 2024-07-03T05:45:31.368Z