Applications are invited by the University of Alicante President for a fixed-term contractual position as a pre-doctoral researcher to collaborate in the project "Twistronics in Nanoconstrictions" of the Department of Applied Physics. Reference: I-PI 104-24 Project CIDEXG/2022/45 funded by the Valencia Region Government's Department of Education, Universities and Employment.
The successful candidate will collaborate in the research project "Twistronics in Nanoconstrictions", undertaking doctoral training in cooperation with the University of Alicante Research Group in Nanophysics to pursue a doctoral thesis and carrying out the following research tasks:
Ab initio computational calculations using ANT.G and Gaussian in molecular and two-dimensional atomic contacts.Molecular dynamics simulations of atomic and molecular nanocontacts using the LAMMPS code.Tight-binding calculations using the KWANT code.Creation of a user-friendly software tool to generate the ANT.G KWANT and LAMMPS input files and scripts.Development of a Python- or MATLAB-based software tool for massive data analysis.Assistance with data analysis.Assistance with electronic transport and magnetic transport experiments in two-dimensional systems.Writing of scientific articles.Requirements for applicants: Hold or be in the process of obtaining an undergraduate degree in Physics (Spanish MECES level 2 or EQF level 6) plus an official Master's degree in Molecular Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Spanish MECES level 3 or EQF level 7) or any other Master's degree with equivalent content.Meet the academic requirements necessary for admission to the PhD programme in Nanoscience at the University of Alicante.Not hold a PhD awarded by a Spanish or foreign university.Be a Spanish national or be in one of the situations listed in article 57 of Royal Legislative Decree 5/2015.Be at least 16 years of age and not exceed the maximum compulsory retirement age.Possess the physical and mental capacities and aptitudes necessary for the performance of the corresponding functions or tasks.Not have been dismissed by disciplinary proceedings from the service of any of the Public Administrations.Full terms and conditions of this call can be found at the following link (IN SPANISH): Please note that you must use the University of Alicante's standard CV format for Project-based Research and Technical Staff Recruitment.