Department Overview
In many respects, banking is the business of managing risks.
At BNP Paribas, our well-developed risk management culture is based on a long-term perspective, a committed management, and a strong and independent risk organisation led by RISK.
Created at the same time as BNP Paribas, RISK is today a global function present in five continents and at the forefront of risk management through best-in-class expertise.
RISK is an integrated and independent function and is part of BNP Paribas's control functions.
It is the independent second line of defence on the risk management activities of the Group which are under its direct responsibilities, including credit and counterparty risk, market risk, funding and liquidity risk, interest rate and foreign exchange risks in the banking book, insurance risk, operational risk and environmental and social risks.
RISK aims at being a partner of the businesses by contributing to their sustainable development, but also a gatekeeper to ensure risks taken remain compatible with the Group's Risk Appetite and its strategy.
RISK teams engage in an upstream dialogue with businesses to better understand their strategy and objectives, and then they express their opinions and recommendations.
Job Description
RISK Independent Review & Control (RISK IRC) is a special unit within the RISK organisation and reports directly to the Group CRO.
The independent review arm of the department provides the second line of defence for the use of various types of models and, accordingly, is in charge of model risk management.
The position in subject is within the team that covers market risk, counterparty risk, and valuation risk methodologies.
These methodologies are developed and used globally for both regulatory and internal risk management purposes, covering all activities of the Group.
These methodologies cover amongst others:
Market risk internal models like Value-at-Risk (VaR), Stressed VaR, Incremental Risk Capital (IRC) and Comprehensive Risk Measure (CRM) metrics, as well as the new market risk methodologies that are developed to comply with the forthcoming Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) regulation.
These models cover all asset classes and all products, whether securities or derivatives, including also the market risk management of CVA and funding value adjustment.On the counterparty risk side, the Group has developed Potential Future Exposure (PFE), Effective Expected Positive Exposure (EEPE) and CVA Capital Charge measures for various OTC, listed derivatives, prime brokerage and repo trading activities.The bank has implemented also the new Standardised Approach for Counterparty Credit Risk (SA-CCR) metric.
Furthermore, the Group has developed and uses various types of margining methodologies, like the standard initial margin model (SIMM) used for non-centrally cleared derivatives.