The project PASITO aims to contribute to solving the challenges of understanding Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CECs) transport and transformation from diffuse sources by providing and validating key technologies.
PASITO is focused on compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA) and the use of passive samplers (PS).
The main objectives are:
To explore the possibilities and limitations of PS for CSIA of CECs of environmental interest.To develop novel analytical methods for CSIA of CECs.To provide a sound base on CSIA application to CECs in real case studies by validating the combined PS-CSIA approach for an advanced understanding of diffuse and point sources (ground)water pollution.To evaluate natural attenuation of CECs as well as the feasibility/efficiency of their induced remediation treatments.Besides dynamic participation and providing support to all project activities, the selected postdoc researcher will focus on:
The development and implementation of new methodologies for the Compound Specific Isotopic Analysis (CSIA) of selected organic compounds that are not in the portfolio until now, including the optimization of derivatization, injection, and/or chromatographic methods.The development of extraction methods and passive samplers for the selected organic compounds, and the validation of these methods at both lab and field scale, including the designing, setting-up, and monitoring of laboratory tests, the sampling of groundwater, soil, or sediment samples from the field, and the isotopic analysis of the samples with the methodologies developed in this project.The postdoc researcher scientist will also oversee undergraduate, MSc, and/or PhD students and laboratory technicians, and work closely with PhD students and other postdocs within an interdisciplinary research team.