YOUR TASK Within Nordex Electrolyzers we are seeking a highly motivated Sales Engineer to join our sales team. You will be the technical support to...
509 visitas 43 inscritos Tipo de contrato: Temporal Jornada: Completa Modalidad: Presencial Sector: Alimentación Salario: 9-9,21 €/hora Puesto: Moz...
+++ This is a general vacancy, you are still invited to apply in order to be familiar with our current offers that suit your qualifications and nee...
509 visitas 43 inscritosTipo de contrato: TemporalJornada: CompletaModalidad: PresencialSector: AlimentaciónSalario: 9-9,21 €/horaPuesto: MozoNº va...
509 visitas 43 inscritosTipo de contrato: TemporalJornada: CompletaModalidad: PresencialSector: AlimentaciónSalario: 9-9,21 €/horaPuesto: MozoNo va...
+++ This is a general vacancy, you are still invited to apply in order to be familiar with our current offers that suit your qualifications and nee...
Built at: 2024-12-29T19:24:32.473Z